Silobela Development Association

Promoting the sustainable development of Silobela

We help promote the sustainable development of Silobela by improving the standard of living of its residents, creating economic opportunities, and promoting social and environmental sustainability.


+263 77 545 5201
+27 71 070 9913

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Masiye Business Suites, 2nd Floor, Suite 216, Corner 9th & Forth Street, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Here for change
Promote the sustainable development of Silobela
"We are dedicated to fostering community development in Silobela by promoting self-reliance through income generating projects."
T. K Ngwenya,
Dedication & Motivation

What we do

Infrastructure Development

We help fund infrastructure development projects such as building or repairing roads, bridges, schools, and health clinics.

Agricultural Development

We help local farmers by providing training on modern farming techniques, agricultural inputs such as seeds and fertilizers, and access to markets for their produce.

Water and Sanitation

Access to clean water and sanitation is essential for human health and well-being. We help improve water and sanitation infrastructure in Silobela by funding the construction of boreholes, wells, and water treatment plants, and promoting good hygiene practices.


Education is a key factor in promoting development. We help fund the construction of schools, provide training to teachers, and promote education initiatives to improve literacy rates in Silobela.


We help fund the construction of health clinics, provide medical supplies, and offer training to health workers to improve access to health care in Silobela.

Economic Development

We help promote economic development in Silobela by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, providing training in business skills, and promoting entrepreneurship.

Sida is excited to announce that we recently sponsored a group of youths to attend baking lessons. The goal of this initiative was to provide these young people with a valuable skill that they can use to earn a living and contribute to their communities.

Recent Project / 02

Sida is proud to announce that we recently sponsored the drilling of a borehole in Abefoil. The goal of this initiative was to help provide access to clean and safe drinking water for the community

In Silobela many girls face challenges in accessing education due to a lack of basic resources. One of the main obstacles is the lack of access to sanitary wear, which affects girls’ attendance and performance in school.


Our mission

Our mission is to empower families and individuals to build strength and stability, while promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth. We believe that by working together with the community and local authorities, we can create opportunities for all to thrive and contribute to a brighter future for Silobela. Sida is dedicated to fostering community development in Silobela by promoting self-reliance through income generating projects. 

Out Team
We aim to develop and implement projects
Let the Numbers Speak
Our Goals
Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, providing training in business skills, and promoting entrepreneurship
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